Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Beauty of life

Hi All,

I have recently been working on a "gift book" idea where I list all of the things that are wonderful about our world - e.g. butterflies and the melting change of sunsets. I would love to hear about all the things on earth that you think are worth getting out of bed for. I could then include them in my list and who knows, we may even be published one day, so come on, what motivates you to get out of bed, what are the things that make life worth living?


DrK said...

great idea fern. i am always amazed by the unbounded optimism of children and of dogs! (let alone your own!). and i do have a thing for really old pieces of art or architecture where you get a sense of the cleverness of humans in the past. (most other times i dont find humans a source of much inspiration!). but definately dogs. lots of dogs!!

Anonymous said...

hmmm... I like the scent in the air after it has been raining... that is totally worth getting out of bed for. I also like bridges. They are totally cool and an engineering feat not to be taken lightly. And puppies.

Fernicle said...

Smell of rain already on the list, as are puppies and dogs and children. Bridges, architecture and the cleverness of past humans not yet though - good job girls!!

Anonymous said...

I agree my 4 month old daughter is definately the reason get out of bed in the morning, however I certianly wont complain about the sweat song of the birds first thing in the morning or the sun rising over the valley and watching the cows, horses & sheep grazing (view from my kitchen window). There is definalety a lot to live for & to be amazed by!!