Tuesday, March 13, 2007

it's the little things...

So welcome to what I hope is a series of blog posts called 'it's the little things...'
The title comes from that fabulous piece of Pulp Fiction dialogue about the little differences in Europe (you remember Le BigMac etc). So today's post comments on two small differences in Norway, both related to food...

The first difference is the eggs. Have you ever seen such a pearly white egg? They simply glisten! Now maybe it is because I have been raised on a farm and therefore believe that eggs should really come covered in a little bit of shit and straw, but these Norwegian eggs seem surreally white even by Australian supermarket standards. They also don't come in shades of brown. Do they not have brown chickens in Norway? I must investigate. They are also incredibly fragile. It is almost impossible to crack one and have it come away shell free. Does someone scrub them until only the tiniest of outer crusts remains? I know not.

The next difference is peanut butter. You know how in Australia we are blessed with a range of peanut butter choices? Kraft, Dick Smith, homebrand etc. Well the stange thing is not that Norway does not offer those brands, but that there is abolutely no choice at all. If you are not eating Mills' grov type then you are not eating peanut butter. Not even a choice between crunchy and smooth for crying out loud. Their position on this seems to be to make the one type on offer a mix somewhere between the two, not totally smooth but not particularly crunchy either. We have even checked out various supermarkets to confirm the matter and all the evidence points to the existance of only one species of peanut butter in Norway. They do offer cashew butter though and my question to you is, is that enough?

Ahhh, you see, it's the little differences....


Anonymous said...

Well Dr. Fern.... After long and intensive thoughts on this egg scenario and having witnessed these strange events myself, my thoughts are that in fact they may bleach the eggs?? How could an egg be so white,even after very close examination, there is not a trace of discolouration as found in your normal Aussie eggs!!
That's my guess anyway,,,,J

Trent said...

Well I am very intrigued by the whiteness of the egg so I did some research on the internet thing and found out the following

Eggs are an ingredient in Norwegian Mackerel and Egg Porridge. Please make this and send me a review. Its a shame it can only be made and eaten in your new found country and not here ( damm that)

Other Norwegian types like taking photos of eggs

This one you may not want to know but Organochlorines in egg samples from Norwegian birds of prey appear to be quite high , not to sure this translate to chooks or not though.

Fernicle said...

Wow - good work Trent, love your research skills!! Unfortunately, the link to the mackerel and egg porridge didn't work so can't find the recipe...damn that!!

Trent said...
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Trent said...


DrK said...

well now youre screwed arent you? trent being a bit of a porrridge conniousser and all that. send your address and i will send a peannut butter care package. no crunchy? what the? i presume vegemite is a no-go as well....

Renee said...

Yes of course, the bleaching of the eggs is the answer! Damn, I was looking forward to Norwegian Mackerel and Egg Porridge... totally sounds like my gig....


Fernicle said...

that link to the porridge worked trent, thanks, I think!!
Yes vegemite a no go too. We bought a huge supply of that though and sent it over on the ship, hanging out for that ship to arrive now!!
Peanut butter care package would be expensive to send but if you feel like shipping one as a birthday pressie around october then I'll email you our address...
One serving of porridge heading your way Dr K!

Anna said...

Greetings Dr. Fern,

Thanks for your visit to my blog!

As an American girl that has been replanted for the meantime in London...I have to say....Peanut Butter is our number one import here as we have visitors! We have them bring JIF Creamy peanut butter by the bag load! :)

I have enjoyed looking through your blog. I feel we are probably going through some of the same feelings trying to get our roots used to the new soil that life has brought us into...

:) I hope to see you for some more visits!

Take care!