Wednesday, July 11, 2007

J's Job

So it is with much sadness that I report the loss of my wonderful house husband. J has got a fulltime job here now, working at a window and door making establishment. You can never tell what that guy is going to do next I tell you! It is about half an hour out of the city at a place called Os. Last Saturday J took me out there to check the place out. Oh, and we went in the car we recently bought - Cedric the big red Chrysler Voyager.

Cedric is going to be our travelling van because he is big enough to sleep in the back of. The public transport is so good here we don't need to use him on a day to day basis, but we are hoping to use him to escape on weekends and see more of this gorgeous country. The trip to Os last weekend was our first venture in him and here are some pics of what we found! The first one being the massive building in which J works - only half of which actually fitted within the frame!

The second is Mina enjoying the view from Cedric...the dogs just love having the visual stimulation of car rides again!

This one is of the gorgeous fjord in Os - still snow on the mountains but also boats on the water.

Then there was the so called "fairytale trail"...

that lead us to the edge of the fjord - beautiful!

We are really looking forward to our next adventure in Cedric this weekend - camping at Stavanger looking for a surf...xxxx


DrK said...

awesome! cedric - how cool. what a great idea. i look forward to reading about more of your adventures. and it is a bummer about j getting a 'real job'. good for him, i know. bad for you. i wish i had one.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sis, How abouta few more details on Cedric for your brother. Engine size, fuel type, fuel price and a couple of up close pics. Love Garth

Fernicle said...

Hey Bro, will gather technical info and pics this weekend during our journey and will post next will come from J of course as I have no clue about such things! Except that it takes unleaded and the fuel price is over $2 a liter! Ouch.