Thursday, November 16, 2006

Trying to be good

So I am trying to be a good little blogger but I am having a great deal of trouble posting pictures from home. As a result of this I am trying a post from the super fast uni internet connection to see if that makes a difference. I only have old photos available on my thumbdrive though so you all get to see a shot from a fabulous walk I did not so long ago with my best walking buddies Mr David Winner and Stefan (in shot and with a last name I have no idea how to spell!). The photo was taken while trying a shortcut down Mount Mitchell. Stanwell Park beach is in the background. Who needs Norway when you have places like this at your doorstep?

1 comment:

DrK said...

yes it is beautiful, everytime i come down it feels like home :( however, this is sad of me i know, i would be very happy to live somewhere (like norway for example) where it rained for 275 days of the year.