Friday, October 20, 2006

The Office

So here is the university building in Bergen where you find the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities - i.e. the centre I now work for. Basically, this is where my office is! Just thought you might all like to see where I am spending my days - so glad it is not a boring brick box. Do we even have yellow buildings in Australia? Apart from the giant pineapple and banana of course...Since it is the weekend tomorrow though I am hoping not to be anywhere near this building and hopefully I can take some shots of the countryside for you. Har det bra til next time!


DrK said...

hey there ms fern! i just thought to check the blog today and now look at you, all over norway! it looks divine, the buildings and the office, so european (funny that) - i am having longings for amsterdam...the gumboots sound um interesting. hot pink lace ups sound good to me! i hope its proving really exciting, look forward to reading more soon xxx

Fernicle said...

It is really interesting and yes, rather typically european! I must thank you for putting me onto the blog idea - it is working out wonderfully and it is such a great way to share photos and stories without having to send horrible group emails, so thank you. Keep reading and commenting!