Saturday, October 28, 2006

You are what you eat

So I promised you a photo of food and here it is - frozen whale meat! Yes, it is true, the Norwegians actually eat whale. The black blood colour of it alone would be enough to turn me off. An American academic who was here for the seminar ate whale sashimi (yes that means raw) on his first night - brave or stupid, I'll let you decide.


DrK said...

oooh gross. hope your seminar went well! btw where are you staying? any pix?

Fernicle said...

HI Miss Kylie - seminar was fine, they put pressure on me to publish the second half of my thesis so I am not sure if that is good or bad...where oh where did my motivation go?? Hotel where I am staying not all that flash so no pics I am afraid but hope all the latest scenery ones make up for it!